
                                                                        10411 Watterson Trail

Louisville, KY 40299

(502) 267-2339


Dear Parents/Guardian,

Welcome to JTown Academy and Child Care (JTA). The information contained in this “Parent Handbook” will introduce you to the philosophy and organization of JTA. It will serve as a quick reference to the daily operating policies and procedures. Your familiarity with them will help make your child’s day the most rewarding experience. JTA was started to meet the high quality needs of child care for the children of our corporate and community neighbors. We look forward to working with you to provide a secure foundation for your child to ensure successful growth and learning. Not all policies and procedures can be listed here. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

JTown Academy and Child Care – Cindy Bowen and Terri Stallcup


JTA offers quality care for birth through 8th grade. JTA is licensed by the state. The administration and staff are dedicated to providing a quality education in a Christian atmosphere. Believing that children will flourish in a safe and supportive environment, children are taught and supervised by qualified and caring staff that enjoys interacting with children. The staff provides positive guidance and discipline that encourages children to be independent learners, learn to self-regulate and to develop problem-solving skills. We are a firm believer that children learn through play.  We know you have a choice in child care and when you choose JTA you become one of our family. We want for your children what we wanted for ours when young!


Hours of Operation……………… 7:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.

Open visitation……………..… Parents may visit anytime during hours of operation.

Contact us……………………JTA Office 267-2339 or 741.1494 cell (Terri)

DAYS CLOSED: JTA is closed on

Labor Day,

Thanksgiving and the day after,

Christmas Eve, Christmas day and the day after (if any falls on weekend, closed 3 days),

New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day (if any falls on weekend, closed 2 days),

Martin Luther King Day,

Oaks Day,

Memorial Day,

Juneteenth (June 19th – if 19th falls on a Saturday, closed Friday; if 19th falls on a Sunday, closed Monday),

Fourth of July (if 4th falls on a Saturday, closed Friday; if 4th falls on a Sunday, closed Monday),

During Gaslight Festival Week (usually the 3rd week in September) we will close early (usually 3:00 pm) on Thursday and Friday which will be communicated closer to Festival.

INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY In the event of inclement weather, JTA will make every attempt to open as usual. However, to preserve the safety of our staff and children we will close if conditions warrant such action. It is at the discretion of JTA to make the decision to close early or open later due to natural disasters (i.e. Snow, ice …) JTA families will be notified of the decision, prior to 6:00am, in the following ways: via Brightwheel app and private Facebook page as soon as a decision has been made. We will make every effort to remain open for working parents; however, if we find it necessary to close, we will not credit or discount tuition fees.



Registration Form

Tuition Agreement

State issued Birth Certificate

Immunization Record

*Please note: These Forms must be complete and on file prior to the student  attending  JTA.


All children are contracted for 5 days a week. You will be charged for 5 days even if your child does not attend due to illness, vacation, snow days, etc. You are paying for your child’s spot and this will guarantee your child will have a spot at JTA.

Summertime care will be provided on a case-by-case basis for currently enrolled students. The days will be assigned and days cannot be replaced for another day for staffing purposes. Tuition will be charged for your contracted days even if your child does not attend due to illness, vacation, snow days, etc. Prior to the beginning of summer, tuition information will be given to you if interested. If an additional day is needed and staffing allows, this will also be determined on a case-by-case basis. You are paying for your child’s spot and this will guarantee your child will have a spot at JTA after summer.

Tuition: Tuition is to be paid each Monday morning on a continuous basis until the child is withdrawn from the center. See the two (2) weeks notice requirement. There is no refund for daily absences. There is no reduction for holidays, snow days or any closure due to illnesses for room closures.

Vacation Policy:  One week of tuition free vacation is given after six months of full enrollment and annually thereafter upon request.

Withdrawal:  The center requires two (2) week notice of the child’s withdrawal. We require the two (2) weeks tuition payment even if the child is not in attendance. If a child is withdrawn and re-enters the program, the registration fee will again be charged. The program reserves the right to remove a child from the program if the child or parent/guardian is unable to adjust and function within the program or policies put in place.

INFANTS (6 weeks-1 year)                                                   $260.00

TODDLERS (1-2 years)                                                         $250.00

PRESCHOOL EXPLORERS (2 years)                                     $240.00

PRESCHOOL EXPLORERS (3 years) not potty-trained        $240.00

PRESCHOOL EXPLORERS (3 years) potty-trained              $225.00

PRESCHOOL (4-5 years) potty-trained                               $225.00

AFTER SCHOOL CARE                                                           Contact JTA

Rates are effective week of 8/5/2024.

LATE PAYMENTS: There will be a $25.00 late payment fee charged each week if not paid by the following Monday.  The child(ren) may be required to withdraw when tuition is more than 60 days in arrears.

DAILY LATE FEE: Although we understand that sometimes things happen, a charge of $1.00 per minute will be charged for every minute past 5:00 p.m. Our rates are based on the hours of operation, 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. We absolutely understand both working parents, but it is a LONG day for the children. EFFECTIVE WEEK OF JANUARY 2, 2023.

OTHER FEES: There is a non-refundable $100 registration fee for each child enrolled in the program. A re-registration fee of $50 is due annually and subject to change. (Since reopening on June 15, 2020, we have discontinued this annual fee. If we decide to implement this in the future, you will be given adequate notice.) If your child has been withdrawn from the program and subsequently re-enrolled, a new registration fee is due at that time. There is a charge of $35 on all returned checks. After a second returned check we will accept cash only.


PLACEMENTS INTO OLDER CLASSES: Children are assessed for class placement into the older classes by chronological ages and in terms of their total development – social, physical and emotional. Interest level in the activities typical of each group is also taken into consideration, as is the actual availability of an open place at a particular time that matches the enrollment days of the child being moved. The classroom teacher is also consulted as to the readiness of the child. Parents will be notified and encouraged to set up a transitional conference with the new teacher.

ASSESSMENT OF CHILD PROGRESS: All age groups are assessed formally and informally to ensure that the teachers plan their curriculum goals and activities to support individualized learning. Our teachers observe, record and document children’s development, participation and learning throughout the year. The assessments are ongoing, systematic and gathered from natural play activities and realistic setting that reflects children’s actual performance. Our center uses variety of methods such as observations, checklists, rating scales, and individually administered tests. The assessment results are used to benefit children by informing sound decisions about children, teaching, and program improvement. When assessments identify concerns, appropriate follow-up, referral or other intervention is used. All our assessments are kept in the child’s portfolio, which follow the child from group to group to show the progress in cognitive, language, physical social and emotional areas of development that are consistent with our program curriculum and philosophy. Our families are part of the assessment process with regular communication, partnership and involvement.

GETTING TO KNOW OUR CENTER FAMILIES: JTA builds positive relationships with our families by being familiar with their unique characteristics, strengths and issues important to each of them. To develop partnerships with the families we create a welcoming environment and opportunities for involvement. Our center gathers information during the enrollment process by asking parents’ questions and collecting the following items: enrollment form, health history, child(ren) and family background information. All the data is kept strictly confidential in the child’s file and kept locked in the director’s office. We only release your information under your authorization. In addition, we can schedule visit days to meet the family members at JTA to create a smooth transition for your child. Our center has an open door policy. Parents and family members are welcomed at all times. Our friendly entryway provides an attractive and cozy area for families to ease transitional times.

COMMUNICATING WITH FAMILIES: In addition to conferences and assessments, there are many ways to keep you knowledgeable about what is happening in your child’s classroom.


  • Daily or weekly notes
  • Speaking at drop off or pick up
  • Telephone calls
  • Texts
  • E-mails
  • Brightwheel App
  • Private Facebook page

BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT: Children who are having difficulty for any reason will be re-directed to another activity with teacher assistance. The primary purpose of discipline is to help the child develop self-control and to assume responsibility for his/her actions. All staff will be responsible for disciplining children. In the event that a child’s behavior is likely to result in harm to the child, others or property, or seriously disrupts group interaction, the child may be separated briefly from the group. The child will be taken to the office to sit with an administrator where he/she can gain enough self-control to rejoin the group. The child will always be left in an area where he/she is in full view of, and can be supervised and supported by a staff member. Interaction between the child and a staff member will take place immediately following the separation to guide the child toward appropriate group behavior. A method of discipline which frightens, demean, or humiliate a child is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. We will use methods of redirection, distraction, and time-out while using positive reinforcement versus negative, respect the child as an individual and be consistent with procedures. If a child consistently displays inappropriate behavior, the teachers and/or staff shall inform the parents. The director may request a conference with either or both parents. A probation period will be contracted during such a conference. Parents are always encouraged to visit us and ask questions or express any concerns. We want for your children what we wanted for ours when young.

PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES: Parents are always welcome to make a conference with their child’s teacher. This will include a progress report for your child as well as a time to address any questions or concerns you may have.

CHILD ABUSE POLICY: All staff of JTA are mandated reporters and are required to report any suspected abuse, neglect, or maltreatment on the part of an employee, parent, or volunteer. Any abuse or maltreatment of a child, either as an incident of discipline or otherwise is prohibited. Any means of corporal punishment will not be tolerated. Additionally, withholding or using food, rest or sleep as a punishment is prohibited. In the event that child abuse, neglect, or dependency is suspected by a staff member, he/she will contact the Child Protection Hotline at 1-800-752-6200 or the County Department for Social Services. If a child is in imminent danger and is in need of immediate protection, the local police department will be called. If a report is filed, the Cabinet for Families and Children, Preschool Services Branch, will be contacted at 595-4550.

NEGOTIATING DIFFERENCES: When a parent has a concern about some aspect of our childcare program we will take every step to help resolve the issue as promptly as possible, keeping the safety and wellbeing of the children and staff as a priority. JTA is always open to suggestions and feedback to improve the way we serve you and your family.

PERSONAL BELONGINGS: A stuffed animal or doll may ease the transition from home and comfort the child feeling anxious. Please mark all personal belongings. Please be sure these items are “soft and cuddly.” A book to share with the whole class is always welcome. It is recommended that other toys be left in the car or at home, so as not to be lost, broken or envied by others. We require administrative approval after advance screening before your child offers to share a video with his/her class.

CLOTHING: Children play hard and need to be comfortable. We ask that children be dressed in clothes suitable for the many art, playground and climbing activities of their day. Cold weather does not necessarily keep us indoors, so please be sure that children have the necessary mittens, sweaters and hats, etc., appropriate for the day’s weather changes. All clothing should be labeled with the family’s name, to facilitate dressing and reduce loss. Two full sets of extra clothes should be kept at JTA, even for the oldest children. When accidents of play, feeding or toileting happen, we know you would want your child to be comfortable. Extra sets will need to be regularly replaced as soon as possible if your child uses them. All clothing should be sent in a clearly-labeled gallon-size zip lock bag. Flip-flops are not permitted. Girls should wear shorts or leggings under skirts and dresses. Shoes need to be appropriate for indoor/outdoor play. Rain/snow boots, for health reasons, need to be replaced with indoor shoes. Sneakers or rubber-soled shoes are required for safe play; an extra pair may be left in the child’s cubby and teachers will gladly help with the changes.

REST TIME PROVISIONS: Parents are to supply child’s blanket and may supply sheet. (JTA will supply sheet if you don’t. Ours actually fits the cribs and mats better.) JTA will provide sheets for the mats, crib sheets and bibs. Blankets need to be taken home every Friday to be laundered and must be returned the following Monday. Cribs will be provided or a two-inch-thick mat will be provided for each child, per the Kentucky State Department of Children and Family Services. Children will rest in the afternoon. If you choose, you may also send your own small pillow and one small stuffed animal that does not make noise for children over 1 year of age. Please mark all personal belongings.

NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY: JTA admits students of any race, color, age, sex, national/ethnic origin or disability to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the race, color, age, sex, national/ethnic origin or disability in administration of its educational policies or admissions policies.

CHILDREN’S RULES: We want all children to feel safe and welcomed. We ask that the following rules be discussed with your child.

Keep hands, feet, and objects to oneself.

Play fair and share.

Be polite and respect each other.

Respect each other’s ideas and property.

Use only appropriate language.

Stay only in authorized areas.

Run only outdoors. Use walking feet indoors.

When finished playing, clean up and put away all games and toys.

Always remain seated during snack times and lunch time until dismissed by teacher.

Always use good manners.

Only one child in the restroom at a time.

MEDICATIONS: In order for any medicines to be given, specific guidelines from the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services – Division of Regulated Child Care must be followed. The parent/guardian must sign a daily medicine permission form or send a written daily note requesting that medication be given. If you do not sign the sheet or send a daily note, the child will not be given the medication. JTA keeps a written record of the child’s name, medication, dosage, date, time given, and person giving medication. All medications are kept in a locked box. Prescription Medication needs to be in the original container. The child’s name, type of medication, and doctor’s name must be clearly visible. A Medication Form indicating the time and dosage that is to be given must also accompany the medication. All medication must have expiration date and this date must be current. The original container will be sent home when the prescription medication needs refilling. Non-prescription (over the counter) medication needs to be in the original container and requires a Medication Form completed by the parent to be on file stating that the child has permission to take the drug, explaining why the child needs to take the drug, when he/she is to take it, and the dosage amount. This includes Tylenol, eye drops, cough drops, ointments etc. Inhalers that are sent in must be accompanied by a copy of the Medication Form, completed by the parent as to when and how many times the inhaler may be used. Inhalers will be stored in a locked box at all times. Paperwork must be on file for any child that requires medication or needs a Food Allergy Action Plan during center hours. This must be renewed every year.


PARKING: There is parking available. Please be aware when parking and pulling out that Chase Bank’s ATM is connected to our parking lot. It is a very busy ATM!

ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE: The children may arrive as early as 7:00 a.m. and stay as late as 5:00 p.m.

BEGINNING JANUARY 1ST, 2019: In order to staff the center appropriately you will be asked to give hours of attendance at enrollment.

Children may not be dropped off after 10 a.m. without a written Doctor’s excuse. However, as courtesy, we ask that you call and let us know. Any schedule changes must be given to and approved by JTA.

A responsible adult should always escort children to their respective entry locations. A parent or an authorized adult must pick up each child. No child should be removed from the building without teaching staff being made aware of the child’s departure. The program must be notified in advance if someone other than the parent will be picking up the child. A person who is not known at the center, will be required to show a driver’s license for identification and must be listed on the child’s information sheet as being an authorized alternative. No child will be released to an unauthorized adult.

AUTHORIZATION TO RELEASE A CHILD: A child will be released to parents and those adults identified by the parents as authorized to pick-up their child. If another adult comes to pick up your child, we will release the child only through notification in writing from the child’s parent. Proper I.D. must be given before the child is released. Both biological parents may authorize persons to pick up their children. If a biological parent is not allowed to pick up his or her child, a Certified Copy of Record from Family Court must be submitted to the director and kept on file.

SIGNING IN AND OUT: Until further notice, teachers will sign children in and out. Parents are responsible for signing children in and out. This procedure is extremely important for attendance records and safety measures in emergencies. There is a sign in/sign out sheet posted upon entry. Parents are welcome to stay briefly to help their child adjust to the group and to smooth the separation if the child is anxious about saying goodbye.

EMERGENCY CONTACTS: Your emergency contacts listed on your emergency card WILL be contacted in the event that you are unable to be reached. Please adhere to the following policies:

  1. Two (2) contacts that live in a 24 mile radius of JTA;
  2. Your contacts should know that they have been recorded on the card and are responsible for your child in the event that they need to pick up your child at any time throughout the day.

SECURITY: The doors are kept locked at all times in order to limit access and to keep children from exiting ahead of supervisors/parents. Photo I.D. is required for who is authorized to pick up your child.

PARENT VISITS: Parents may visit the center at any time as we have an open door policy.

FAMILIES INVOLVEMENT: Families are welcome to participate in the class activities.


  • Making things for the program
  • Sharing their culture
  • Sharing a talent or a job
  • Participating in the class activities or field trips
  • Contributing to the curriculum


SNACKS: Morning (9:00 am) and afternoon (2:00 pm) snacks will be provided. Lunch will be served at approximately 11:30 am.

LUNCH: A hot lunch will be provided by JTA. According to KY State Regulations, a nutritional lunch consists of the following: (a) Milk; (b) Protein; (c) Bread; and (d) 1. Two vegetables; 2. Two fruits; or 3. One fruit and one vegetable. Menus will be posted in the center. All lunches conform to state regulation food requirements.

We love to celebrate birthdays and special occasions. Please let your teacher know in advance if you would like to send a special treat. Due to state regulations, we cannot accept home-baked goods. They must be store bought and unopened with labels attached. Please be aware that we may have children with food allergies. Other suggestions would be popsicles, frozen juice bars, small toys or stickers.


Ask for Health Policies during the Pandemic.

Effective October 24, 2022: As we attempt to return to some normalcy, we will return to 24 hour exclusion, but still require that children not attend while receiving tylenol or ibuprofen (or any fever reducers). Should your child need it at night for teething or such, just make sure the medicine has had time to wear off before attending school and their temperature checked. Unfortunately, we are unable to differentiate between teething vs. illness when fever is present. We are able to give them cough medicine during attendance as long as it doesn’t contain a fever reducer. If you have any questions, please let us know. The 24 hour exclusion does not include some illnesses such as, but not limited to, RSV, Bronchilitis, Croup or COVID.

ILLNESS: If at any time during the day your child becomes ill, you will be notified and expected to come for the child within a reasonable time. We realize this is an inconvenience, but the quicker other children/staff are not exposed the better. If a parent cannot be located, the emergency person(s) will be notified. If a child leaves due to illness, they may not return to school until they have been symptom-free for 24 hours without any medication (not 24 hours from leaving JTA). They may not return while still on fever reducers. They can no longer be experiencing vomiting, diarrhea, or fever upon returning.

COMPLAINS OF SYMPTOMS OR SHOWS SIGNS OF: Severe coughing, sneezing, breathing difficulty, discharge from the nose, ears or eyes, diarrhea or vomiting. FEVER DOES NOT NEED TO BE PRESENT if symptoms are severe enough. Should any of these symptoms present themselves the child will be excluded until a medical evaluation allows inclusion. A doctor’s note must be submitted stating that the child is not contagious and indicating the date that they can return to daycare. In order to minimize the spread of illness among children, it is important that parents have arrangements available for alternative care whenever your child shows signs of illness. The following symptoms will necessitate exclusion from the center.

FEVERS: A temperature of 100° F or higher is reason for exclusion from group care. A child who has been sent home with a fever of 100° F or higher may return to the center after being fever free for 24 hours without any medication (not 24 hours from leaving JTA). They may not return while still on fever reducers. They can no longer be experiencing vomiting, diarrhea, or fever upon returning.

SEVERE COLDS: Colds with extreme symptoms of excessive coughing, sneezing, nose drainage that is yellow or green and that interferes with a child’s ability to eat, sleep or play are reason for exclusion.

DIARRHEA: Bowel movements that are extremely loose, watery and frequent are reasons for exclusion. The child will be asked to be picked up after the 3rd occurrence of diarrhea. A child should be free from diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to the center.  We understand that young children, especially infants, may have frequent or loose stools regularly or in response to a variety of conditions, but these are different from diarrhea. One or two meals should be eaten during the “24 hours free from diarrhea” (overnight with no meals eaten should not be considered 24 hours free from diarrhea).

VOMITING: Vomiting is a reason for exclusion. As with diarrhea, 24 hours should pass without an episode of vomiting before a child returns to the center. One or two meals should be eaten during the “24 hours free from vomiting” (overnight with no meals eaten should not be considered 24 hours free from vomiting). We understand that infants can spit up or throw up for many different reasons. With no other symptoms present we would wait to see if an infant threw up a second time unless it is clear it is vomiting before calling the parent to pick up the child.

RASHES: Rashes must be physician diagnosed for a child to be in the center.

MOUTH SORES: Mouth sores with drooling are reason for exclusion, unless the child’s pediatrician states the child is non-infectious.

CONJUNCTIVITIS: Pink or red conjunctivitis with white or yellow discharge, often with matted eyelids after sleep, and including a child with eye pain or redness of the eyelids or skin surrounding the eye is reason for exclusion. A child may return to the center 24 hours after eye drops/medication has begun.

TEETHING: Teething is not a reason for exclusion. Teething can cause low-grade fever (under 100 F), crankiness, loose bowel movements and a CLEAR, runny nose. Teething does not cause the exclusionary conditions described above if temperature is under 100 F.

SYMPTOMS OF CONTAGIOUS CHILDHOOD DISEASE: Symptoms of contagious childhood diseases are reason for exclusion. The center however, adheres to the Americans with Disabilities Act in the application of its disease policies. Parents should notify us if their child has been exposed to Measles, Chicken Pox, Roseola, Conjunctivitis (pink eye), Impetigo, Pediculosis (head lice) RSV, Bronchiolitis, Croup, Strep Throat, Ringworm and Coxsackie. Exposure to contagious disease is not reason for exclusion.

RSV, BRONCHIOLITIS OR ANY SIMILIAR RESPIRATORY ILLNESS: Child should be excluded for 5 (five) FULL days. The exclusion period starts at positive test date, unless it is clear when the symptoms started. What are the incubation and contagious periods? Incubation period is 2-8 days, which 4-6 days is most common. The virus can be shed for 3-8 days (3-4 weeks in young infants). Coughing will linger and not always be reason for exclusion.

INFLUENZA A or B: Child should be excluded for 5 (five) FULL days. The exclusion period starts at positive test date, unless it is clear when the symptoms started. What are the incubation and contagious periods? People with the flu are most contagious during the first three days of their illness. However, you can spread the flu to others about one day before you feel sick and up to five days after getting sick. Children and people with weakened immune systems may be contagious for longer. Coughing will linger and not always be reason for exclusion.

SIGNS OF POSSIBLE SEVERE ILLNESS: Signs of possible severe illness, including unusual lethargy, undefined irritability; persistent discomfort, crying or difficulty breathing are reasons for exclusion. Fever does not have to be present for possible exclusion.

ABSENCE: Please call the center if your child will be absent and let us know why. It is imperative that we are aware of illnesses to watch other children for symptoms to mitigate transfer. Parents will be notified of contagious illnesses. To be cleared by a pediatrician for group care, we need:

1. the child to be seen by a doctor,

2. a note from the doctor stating (a) a diagnosis (b) that the child is not contagious (c) the date that the child may return to group care. A child will continue to be excluded if the appropriate note is not received before the child is brought to school.

JTA’s policies may be different from the doctor’s orders.